The wedding was perfect...
So why isn't the marriage?
K. Bhuvaneshwari Bhagat is the only Professional Indian Marriage Counselor in the United States and she can help you put the romance back into your relationship.
Ms. K. Bhuvaneshwari Bhagat is a professional Marriage & Family Counselor with a practice based in Manhattan. In order to serve the Indian community, she offers counseling to individuals, couples and families. She offers traditional methods of couseling as well as other creative counseling techniques for those who are not located nearby (i.e. telephone, email and instant messaging). Ms. Bhagat also speaks Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Hindi, Malyalam and English.No more looking for excuses and comforts to console yourself when you can really address the issues. Improve the quality of your life and the quality of your marriage. Bhuvaneshwari will provide a free, confidential, 15-minute assessment.